Variety: Beurre Gris (1650)
Photo - USDA National Germplasm Repository
ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Hs 262 Bühlmeier, Salomon (1863-1872)
Synonyms: Amboise, Ambroise, l'Amboise, Badham's, Beurre Brown, Beurre Butter, Beurre d'Ambleuse, Beurre d'Amboise, Beurre de Caen, Beurre d'Isambert, Beurre d'Or, Beurre de Treveuren, Beurre Doie (of the French), Beurre Doree, Beurre du Roi, Beurre Gris, Beurre Gris d'Automne, Beurre Isambert, Beurre of Duh, Beurre Rouge, Beurre Rousse, Beurre Roux, BeurreBeurre Vert, Brown Beurre, Brown Butter, Eisenbart, Gisambert, Golden Beurre, Gray Beurre, Gray Butter, Green Butter, Grey Beurre, Gris, Isambert, Isambert le Bon, Isambert of Normandy, La Beurre, Poire d'Amboise, Red Beurre, Red Butter, Rouge, True Golden Beurre
Beurree Grise or Brown Beurree. Is a large juicy pear, and in some seasons has a fine flavored flesh of great sprightliness - it is of very varying excellence - it is too often acid in the extreme with little flavor; its character changes with the season - when the year is unfavourable the fruit cracks, and the trees lose all their leaves prematurely; when in perfection it is a fine plump fruit, of almost elliptical form, very little diminished towards the stem - resembling the Beuree in shape; the skin is green with clouds of black, the flesh white - it ripens in September, and lasts a long time in favourable seasons. -- W. Coxe, A view of the cultivation of fruit trees, 1817.