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Medieval Fruit Varieties

Variety: Epargne (1629)

Synonyms: Beau Present, Beau Present Espargne, Belle Verge, Beurre de Paris, Certeau Madam, Chandelle, Chopine, Cuilette, Cuisse Madame, English Jargonelle, Epargne, Espargne, Frauenschenkel, Gargonelle, Grosse Cuisse Madame, Grosse Quisse Madame, Jargonelle, Jargonelle de Knoop, Jargonelle (of the English), Lady's Thigh, Lauren's Summer, Long Island Summer, Poire de Tables de Princes, Real Jargonelle, Reserve Pear, Saint Lambert, Saint Sampson, Saint Sanson, Sicile, Sparbirne, Sweet Summer

This is a pear of a long shape, below the ordinary size, diminishing gradually towards the stem, which is about an inch in length, large, an dplanted rather on one side - the crown is not hollowed; the skin is of a greenish cast, blotched with spots of a fawn colour, and sometimes with a little blush - the flesh is melting; the juice sprightly and agreeable - it ripens about the beginning of August. -- W. Coxe, A view of the cultivation of fruit trees, 1817.

[Source: USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: (09 December 2006) ]