Variety: Gravenstein (1669)
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Trees of Antiquity
Vintage Virginia Apples
Fedco Trees
Triploid. Said to have originated either in the garden of the Duke of Augustenberg, Castle of Graefenstein, Schleswig-Holstein or in Italy or Southern Tyrol and sent to Schleswig-Holstein, or scions from Italy sent home by a brother of Count Chr. Ahlefeldt of Graasten Castle, South Jutland. It is thought to have arrived in Denmark in about 1669. Fruits have crisp, rather coarse-textured, juicy flesh with a pleasant mixture of sweetness and acidity with a distinctive flavour.
A. Grafenstein, Almindelig Graasteensaeble, Blumen Calvill, Blumen Calville, Blumencalvill, Calville de Grafenstein, Calville de Gravenstein, Calville Grafensteiner, Calville Gravenstein, Calville Gravensteiner, Danish Graasteen, de Comte, de Gravenstein, de Princesse, der Graefensteiner, Diel's Sommerkonig, Diels Sommer Konig, Diels Sommerkonig, Early Congress, Ernteapfel, Gelber Gravensteiner, Graafen, Graasteen, Graasten, Graastensaeble, Graefenstein, Graefensteiner, Grafen Apfel, Grafen-Apfel, Grafenapfel, Grafenshteinskii kalvil, Grafenshteinskoe zbeltoe, Grafenstain, Grafensteiner, Grafensteinskoe, Grafszt ynek, Grafsztynek Prawdziwy, Graistynek, Grave Slige, Grave Slije, Grave Sliji, Grave Stige, Grave Stigne, Grave Stije, Gravensteen, Gravensteener, Gravenstein Apple, Gravensteiner, Gravensteiner (Gul), Gravensteini alma, Gravensteinsapple, Gravenstener, Gravenstine, Gravstynke, GravstynskT, Greastener, Gul Graastener, Gult Graasteensaeble, Harryman, Ohio Nonpareil, Pansky vonac, Paradies, Paradies Apfel, Paradiesapfel, Petergaard, Petersgaards Graasten, Pomme de Gravenstein, Pomme Graefenstein, Prinzessin Apfel, Prinzessinapfel, Ripp Apfel, Rippapfel, Romarin de Botzen, Sabin, Sabine, Sabine (des Flamands), Sabine (of the Flemings), Sabine of the Flemings, Savine, Sommer Koning, Sommerkonig, Stroemling, Strohmer, Stromerling, Stromling, The Gravenstein Apple, Tom Harryman
[Source: UK National Fruit Collection ]
GRAVENSTEIN is believed to have come from Denmark, via Germany, and is likely to be an Italian variety, given to the Duke of Gravenstein in the 17th century, arriving in Denmark in 1669, and introduced into the United States from Germany in 1790. It was planted at a Russian settlement in Sonoma County, California, in 1820.
[Source: Vintage Virginia Apples catalog. ]
[Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Plant Gene Resources of Canada ]