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This recipe is somewhere between a fruit mousse and a custard. The flavor of the quince is given an almost fizzy effect from the ginger.
4-5 quince
2 cups white wine
1/2 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger
Peel and core the quince. Cut into small pieces and place in an oven-proof baking dish along with white wine. Bake at 350°F for 2 hours, or until quince is very soft. Allow to cool and then grind with mortar and pestle (or in food processor). Mix with remaining ingredients in a saucepan. Heat until it boils and becomes very thick - it will resemble oatmeal in texture.
Source [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, T. Austin (ed.)]: Chare de Wardone. Take peer Wardons, and seth hem in wine or water; And then take hem vppe, and grinde hem in a morter, and drawe hem thorgh a streynoure with the licour; And put hem in a potte with Sugur, or elle3 with clarefiede hony and canell ynowe, And lete hem boile; And then take hit from the fire, And lete kele, and caste there-to rawe yolkes of eyren, til hit be thik, and caste thereto powder of ginger ynowe; And serue hit forth in maner of Ryse. And if hit be in lenton tyme, leve the yolkes of eyren, And lete the remnaunt boyle so longe, til it be so thikk as though hit were y-tempered with yolkes of eyren, in maner as A man setheth charge de quyns; And then serue hit forth in maner of Rys.
Source [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, T. Austin (ed.)]: xxxiv - Chardewardon. Take Pere Wardonys, an sethe hem in Wyne or in fayre water; than take an grynd in a morter, an drawe hem thorwe a straynoure wyth-owte ony lycoure, an put hem in a potte with Sugre and clarifiyd hony, an Canel y-now, an lete hem boyle; than take it fro the fyre, an let kele, an caste ther-to 3olkys of Raw eyroun, tylle it be thikke; and caste ther-to pouder Gyngere y-now, an serue it in manere of Fysshe; an 3if if it be in lente, lef the 3olkys of Eyroun, and lat the remenaunt boyle so longe tylle it be thikke, as thow it had be temperyd wyth the 3olkys, in the maner of charde quynce; an so serue hem in maner of Rys.
Source [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, T. Austin (ed.)]: Chared coneys, or chardwardon. Take a quarter of clarefied hony, iij. vnces of pouder peper, and putte bothe to-gidre; then toke 30 coynes and x wardones, and pare hem, and drawe oute the corkes at eyther ende, and seth hem in goode wort til they be soft. then bray hem in a morter; if they ben thik, putte a litull wyne to hem, and drawe hem thorgh a streynour; And then put the hony and that to-gidre, then sette al on the fire, and lete seth awhile til hit wex thikke, but sterre it well with ij. sturrers for sitting to; And then take it downe, and put there-to a quarter of an vnce of pouder ginger, And so moche of galingale, And so moche of pouder Canell, And lete it cole; then put hit in a box, And strawe pouder ginger and canell there-on: And hit is comfortable for a mannys body, And namely fore the Stomak. And if thou lust to make it white, leue the hony, And take so moch sugur, or take part of the one and part of the other/ Also in this forme thou may make chard wardon.
Source [A Noble Boke off Cookry, R. Napier (ed.)]: To mak chard wardene tak wardens and bak them in an oven then tak them out and paire them and grind them in a mortair and streyne them smothe throwghe a streyner then put them in an erthene pot and put ther to sugur till they be douced as ye think best and put ther to pouder of notmeggs guinger and granes and let the pouder be farcede put ther to powder of sanders tille it be coloured and stirr it with a pot stik and set yt on a soft fyere and let it boile till yt be stiff as leche lombard and ye put amydon or rise it is bettere and when it is cold lay it fair abrod in the coffyn and let it stond ij dais and ye liste strawe senymom upon it and a day aftur the bred is out of the ovene then set it ther in and it shalle en be hard and then ye shall mak chardquynce.
Published: June 3, 2008
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