England, 17th c.
Recipe by Daniel Myers
This is a variant of Applemuse that is more like Chardwardon. It's very easy to make, and downright addictive - especially when topped with Snowe
3 cups apple sauce
3/4 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger
Mix with ingredients in a saucepan. Heat until it starts to boil and becomes very thick. Serve warm or cold.
To make Applemoyse. Take a dosen apples and ether rooste or boyle them and drawe them thorowe a streyner, and the yolkes of three or foure egges withal, and, as ye strayne them, temper them wyth three or foure sponefull of damaske water yf ye wyll, than take and season it wyth suger and halfe a dysche of swete butter, and boyle them upon a chaffyngdysche in a platter, and caste byskettes or synamon and gynger upon them and so serve them forthe.
Published: 2010-03-03