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Capon Roste

Recipe by Daniel Myers

Cooked capons have an amazing amount of fat, which makes them very moist with a delicate, buttery flavor. I used both the whites and the yolkes of the hard boiled eggs out of a sense of frugality, so if you choose to use only the yolks then you might want to double the amount. It was all quite good on its own, but the next time I make it I think I'll try making a wine and ginger sauce to go with it.


1 capon (approx. 7 lbs.)
1/2 cup chopped parsley
2 Tbsp. hyssop
2 Tbsp. rosemary
2 Tbsp. chopped sage
4 eggs, hard boiled
1/4 cup currants
1 tsp. salt
pinch saffron


Take some of the fat from the inside of the capon - about 1/2 cup - and chop it as finely as possible. Mix with parsley, hyssop, rosemary, and sage. Chop eggs well and add to mixture, along with remaining ingredients. Mix well and stuff into capon. Place in covered roasting pan and bake at 350°F until done - approximately 3 hours (use a meat thermometer to ensure proper temperature). Serve hot.

To rost capon or gose tak and drawe his leuer and his guttes at the vent and his grece at the gorge and tak the leef of grece parsly ysope rosmarye and ij lengs of saige and put to the grece and hew it smale and hew yolks of eggs cromed raissins of corans good poudurs saffron and salt melled to gedure and fers the capon there withe and broche hym and let hym be stanche at the vent and at the gorge that the stuffur go not out and rost hym long with a soking fyere and kep the grece that fallithe to baist hym and kepe hym moist till ye serue hym and sauce hym with wyne and guingere as capons be.

Published: 2010-12-21