England, 15th c.
Recipe by Daniel Myers
I've found a number of variations of this recipe served as a garnish for boiled seafood and other meats. While I use garlic here, some recipes leave it out, and others have called for cinnamon or cloves.
1 medium onion
1 bunch parsley
2 cloves garlic (add more or less to taste)
red wine vinegar
Chop the onion and parsley well and mix. Mince and add garlic. Add enough vinegar to moisten everything. Mix and allow time for flavors to mingle.
Sauce for peiouns. Take percely, oynouns, garleke, and salt, and mynce smal the percely and the oynouns, and grynde the garleke, and temper it with vynegre y-now: and mynce the rostid peiouns and cast the sauce ther-on a-boute, and serue it forth.
Published: 2004-03-24