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A dish of leeks and mushrooms in a broth spiced with saffron and powder fort.


8 oz. mushrooms
1 large leek
2 cups broth
2 tsp. powder fort
Pinch of saffron


Set the broth to boil. Wash mushrooms, remove stems, and cut into bite-sized pieces. Wash leeks well; remove roots and green section, and cut into thin round slices. Add the mushrooms, leeks, and spices to the broth. Cook until leeks are translucent.

Serve immediately for best flavor, and do not overcook. Unfortunately, this dish will not keep overnight and cannot be made ahead of time.

Source [Forme of Cury, S. Pegge (ed.)]: FUNGES. X. Take Funges and pare hem clere and dyce hem. take leke and shred hym small and do hym to seeþ in gode broth. colour it with safron and do þer inne powdour fort.

Published: March 25, 2009

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