This is an excerpt from Forme of Cury
(England, 1390)
The original source can be found at
the Project Gutenberg website
XXXII - FOR RO MAKE BRUET OF LOMBARDYE. Tak chekenys or hennys or othere flesch and mak the colowre als red as any blod and tak peper and kanel and gyngyner bred and grynd hem in a morter and a porcion of bred and mak that bruer thenne and do that flesch in that broth and mak hem boyle togedere and stury it wel and tak eggys and temper hem wyth Jus of Parcyle and wryng hem thorwe a cloth and wan that bruet is boylyd do that therto and meng tham togedere wyth fayr grees so that yt be fat ynow and serve yt forthe.
Other versions of this recipe:
Bruet of Lombardy (A Noble Boke off Cookry)
Recipes with similar titles:
Bruet of Lombardye (MS Douce 257)