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This is an excerpt from Liber cure cocorum [Sloane MS 1986]
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at Thomas Gloning's website

For stondand fygnade. Fyrst play þy water with hony and salt, Grynde blanchyd almondes I wot þou schalle. Þurghe a streynour þou shalt hom streyne, With þe same water þat is so clene. In sum of þe water stepe þou shalle Whyte brede crustes to alye hit with alle. Þenne take figgus and grynde hom wele, Put hom in pot so have þou cele. Þen take brede, with mylke hit streyne Of almondes þat be white and clene. Cast in þo fyggus þat ar igrynde With powder of peper þat is þo kynde, And powder of canel. in grete lordys house With sugur or hony þou may hit dowce. Þen take almondes cloven in twen, Þat fryid ar with oyle, and set with wyn Þy disshe, and florysshe hit þou my3t With powder of gynger þat is so bry3t, And serve hit forthe as I spake thenne And set hit in sale before gode menne.
