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Random Medieval Recipe of the Day:

33 - To candie Nutmegs or Ginger with an hard rock candy. Take one pound of fine sugar, and eight spoonfuls of Rose-water, and the weight of six pence of Gum Arabique, that is cleere: boyle them together to such an height, as that, dropping some thereof out of a spoon, the sirup doe rope and runne into the smallnesse of an haire: then put it into an earthen pipkin; wherein place your Nutmegs, Ginger, or such like: then stop it close with a sawcer, and lute it well with clay, that not aire may enter: then keepe it in a hot place three weeks, and it will candy hard. you must breake your pot with a hammer, for otherwise you cannot get out your candy. You may also candy Orenges or Lemmons in like sort, if you please. [Delights for Ladies (England, 1609)] (permanent link)