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LXVIII - Cooking crayfish. Take from the back the intestine that is in the rump, and hte bitter that is in the head. Then take a good lot of crayfish and pound htem well small in a mortar. When they are cooked then pour sweet milk over them and let run through a clean sieve. Put it in a kettle or clean pot. Put it to the fire and let it combine nicely, but not so it stinks. Put it on a clean cloth and add to it small raisins, and mix this well with each other and tie it up together so it's pushed close to each other. Cut it in wide pieces and make a brown sauce over it of wine and gingerbread, and put thereto several herbs. Put therein these aforementioned slices and bring it to a good boil, and taste if it is right and serve it forth. [Koge Bog (Denmark, 1616 - Martin Forest, trans.)] (permanent link)