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Medieval Cookery - Food Related Paintings

Country shield 

Paintings from England

Artist / Title Image Source
~1300 unknown
Sir Galahad Presented to take his Place with the Knights of the Round Table
thumbnail - Sir Galahad Presented to take his Place with the Knights of the Round Table CGFA
17th c. unknown
Royal, military and court costumes of the time of James I] ART Vol. c91, no.8c
thumbnail - Royal, military and court costumes of the time of James I] ART Vol. c91, no.8c Folger Shakespeare Library
17th c. unknown
Royal, military and court costumes of the time of James I] ART Vol. c91, no.8d
thumbnail - Royal, military and court costumes of the time of James I] ART Vol. c91, no.8d Folger Shakespeare Library

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