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Medieval Cookery - Food Related Paintings

Country shield 

Paintings from Flanders

Artist / Title Image Source
~1490 unknown
Grimani Breviary: The Month of January
thumbnail - Grimani Breviary: The Month of January Web Gallery of Art
~1500 Gerard David
The Marriage at Cana
thumbnail - The Marriage at Cana Web Gallery of Art
~1515 Gerard David
Virgin and Child with the Milk Soup
thumbnail - Virgin and Child with the Milk Soup Web Gallery of Art
~1520 Gerard David
Madonna and Child with the Milk Soup
thumbnail - Madonna and Child with the Milk Soup Web Gallery of Art
~1567 Pieter the Elder Bruegel
Peasant Wedding
thumbnail - Peasant Wedding Web Gallery of Art
~1600 Pieter the Younger Bruegel
thumbnail - Proverbs Web Gallery of Art
1618 Jan the Elder Brueghel
The Senses of Hearing, Touch and Taste
thumbnail - The Senses of Hearing, Touch and Taste Web Gallery of Art
1618 Jan the Elder Brueghel
The Sense of Taste
thumbnail - The Sense of Taste Web Gallery of Art
1630 Frans Francken II
Supper at the House of Burgomaster Rockox
thumbnail - Supper at the House of Burgomaster Rockox Web Gallery of Art
1638 Jacob Jordaens
As the Old Sang the Young Play Pipes
thumbnail - As the Old Sang the Young Play Pipes Web Gallery of Art
1644 Adriaen van Utrecht
Still Life
thumbnail - Still Life Rijksmuseum
~1650 Jacob Jordaens
Eating Man
thumbnail - Eating Man Web Gallery of Art
1655 Jacob Jordaens
The Bean King
thumbnail - The Bean King Web Gallery of Art

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