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Alepevere Sauce

Recipe by Daniel Myers

This is a tangy, garlic sauce. It's flavor is somewhat reminiscent of italian salad dressing. The name "alepevere" comes from the French words "ail" meaning garlic, and "poivre" meaning pepper.


2 to 3 slices bread, toasted
3/4 cup white wine
1/4 cup white vinegar
1/4 tsp. (1/2 clove) minced garlic
1/8 tsp. black pepper
1/4 tsp. salt


Tear toast into pieces and place in a bowl with wine, vinegar, and lemon juice. Allow to soak, stirring occasionally, until bread turns to mush. Strain through a fine sieve into a saucepan, pressing well to get as much the liquid as possible out of the bread. Add spices and bring to a low boil, simmering until thick. Serve warm.

Sauce oylepeuer. Take faire browne brede, and tost hit, and stepe hit in vinegre, and drawe it thorgh a streynour, and caste there-to garlek (butte stampe it small first); And caste there-to pouder of peper, And salt, And then serue hit forthe.

Sauce alepeuere. Take fayre broun brede, tost hit, and stepe it in vinegre, and drawe it þurwe a straynour; and put þer-to garleke smal y-stampyd, poudre piper, salt, & serue forth.

Published: 2009-04-27