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Lenten Slices

Recipe by Daniel Myers

This is a rather odd dish. It seems to be a sort of bread pudding to be served during lent (no eggs or dairy products).


2 cups almond milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
pinch saffron (optional)
1/2 cup dates, chopped
1/2 cup raisins
3 slices toasted bread


Combine almond milk, sugar and salt, and bring to a low boil. Add saffron if desired. Simmer for about twenty minutes and then add remaining ingredients. Continue cooking until well mixed and then pour into pan or mold. Chill well, slice, and serve.

64. Tailliz. Prenez figues, roisins et lait d'amendes boully, eschaudez, galettes et crouste de pain blanc couppé menu par petiz morceaulx quarrez et faictes boullir vostre lait, et saffren pour luy donner couleur, et succre, et puis mettez boullir tout ensemble tant qu'il soit bien lyant pour taillierl et mettre par escuelles.

64. Taillis. Take figs, grapes, boiled almond milk, cracknels, galettes and white bread crusts cut into small cubes and boil these last items in your milk, with saffron to give it colour, and sugar, and then set all of this to boil until it is thick enough to slice. Set it out in bowls.

207. Tailliz de Karesne. Prenez amendez pellees et broyez tres bien en ung mortier, puis ayez eaue boullue et reffroidiee comme tiedde et deffaictes les amendes et coulez parmy l'estamine, et faictes boullir vostre lait sur ung petit de charbon; puis prenez des eschaudez cuitz de ung jour ou de deux et les tailliez en menuz morceaulx come gros dez; puis prenez figues, dates, et raysins de Daigne et trenchez lesdictes figues et dates comme les eschaudez et puis y gettez tout et le laissiez especir comme Frommentee; et mettre du succre boullir avecl et pour luy donner coulleur convient avoir du saffren pour le coulourer comme Fromentee; et qu'il soit doulx salé.

207. Tailliz de Karesne: Lenten Slices. Grind skinned almonds very well in a mortar, then take lukewarm boiled water, steep the almonds, strain them and boil this milk on a few coals; take one- or two-day-old cracknels anc cut them into small pieces the size of large dice; then take figs, dates and seedless grapes, cut up the figs and dates like the cracknels, and drop everything into the milk and let it become as thick as Frumenty, and add in sugar to boil with it; the almond milk should boil briefly. To give it colour you should use saffron to colour it the same as Frumenty. Salt it lightly

Gaylede. Take almaunde mylke & Flowre of Rys, & do ther-to Sugre or Hony, & Powder Gyngere & Galyngale; then take figys, an kerue hem a-to, or Roysonys y-hole, or hard Wastel y-dicyd and coloure it with Saunderys, & sethe it & dresse hem yn.

.xvij. Inde vastenen mortroel Maect dicke amandelen melc ende doeter toe soffraen ende nemt Corsten van witte broode Cleene ghesneden ende doetser in zieden ende doeter gecapte vyghen in ende graen van rosijnen van ouerzee de steenen vutgedaen

1.17. Porridge of almonds and bread in Lent. Make thick almond milk and add saffron. Take the crusts of white bread, cut in small pieces, and let them boil in it, and add chopped figs and grains of stoned raisins from oversea.

Published: 2003-03-20