England, 14th c.
England, 15th c.
Recipe by Daniel Myers
I wasn't sure when I first read through this recipe if it was going to be like a sweet or a savory dish. It'd be like a custard, except without the milk. It'd be like a quiche, except without egg whites and with added sugar. I figured that the only way I was going to know for sure is to try it out.
12 egg yolks
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup currants
1/2 tsp. ginger
Mix egg yolks, sugar, and ginger together well. Add currants and pour into tart crust. Bake at 350° until done - about 40 minutes.
xiiij - Pety Pernollys. Take fayre Floure, Safroun, Sugre, and Salt, and make ther-of past; than make smal cofyns; then take 3olkys of Eyroun, and trye hem fro the whyte; and lat the 3olkys be al hole, and no3t to-broke, and ley .iij. or .iiij. zolkys in a cofyn; and than take marow of bonys, to or .iij. gobettys, and cowche in the cofynn; than take pouder Gyngere, Sugre, Roysonys of coraunce, and caste a-boue; and than kyuere thin cofyn with the same past, and bake hem, and frye hem in fayre grece, and serue forth
xx - Pety Pernauntes. Take fayre Flowre, Sugre, Safroun, an Salt, and make ther-offe fayre past and fayre cofynges; than take fayre y-tryid 3olkys Raw, and Sugre, an pouder Gyngere, and Raysounys of Coraunce, and myncyd Datys, but not to smal; than caste al this on a fayre bolle, and melle al to-gederys, and put in thin cofyn, and lat bake other Frye in Freyssche grece.
Pety pernantes. Take faire floure, Sugur, Saffron, and salt, and make paast ther-of; then make small Coffyns, then cast in eche a coffyn .iij. or iiij rawe yolkes of egges hole, and ij. gobettes or iij. of Mary couche therin; then take powder of ginger, Sugur, Reysons of Corans, and cast above; then cover the coffyn with a lyd of the same paste; then bake hem in a oven, or elles fry hem in faire grece fressh, And then serve hit forthe.
Auter peti pernantes. Take and make thi Coffyns as hit is a-for said; then take rawe yolkes of egges, tryude in sugur, pouder of Gynger, and resons of Corans, and mysed mary, but not to small, And caste all this into a faire boll, and medel all to-gidre, and put hit in coffyns, and bake hem, or fry hem as thou diddest be the tother.
THE PETY PERUAUNT. XX.IX. XV. Take male Marow. hole parade and kerue it rawe. powdour of Gynger. zolkes of Ayrenn, dates mynced. raisouns of coraunce. salt a lytel. & loke þat þou make þy past with zolkes of Ayren. & þat no water come þerto. and forme þy coffyn. and make up þy past.
Published: 2008-03-05