England, 15th c.
Recipe by Daniel Myers
This recipe is related to the various recipes for civey, but where the civey recipes are meant for rabbit or chicken, the flavors of pevorade are more suited to beef.
1 cup red wine
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. cloves
1/8 tsp. mace
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/4 cup water
2 slices bread
1/4 medium onion, sliced(about 1/4 cup)
1/4 tsp. ginger
Put wine, cinnamon, cloves, mace, and pepper into a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, tear the bread into pieces and put into a bowl with the vinegar and water, and stir until the bread turns to mush. Strain the liquid into the saucepan and discard the solids. Add onion and ginger, and return to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until the onions are tender. Serve hot over beef.
xxxj - Brawn en Peuerade. Take Wyne an powder Canel, and draw it thorw a straynour, an sette it on the fyre, and lette it boyle, an caste ther-to Clowes, Maces, an powder Pepyr; than take smale Oynonys al hole, an par-boyle hem in hot watere, an caste ther-to, and let hem boyle to-gederys; than take Brawn, an lesshe it, but nowt to thinne. An 3if it sowsyd be, lete it stepe a whyle in hot water tyl it be tendere, than caste it to the Sirip; then take Sawnderys, an Vynegre, an caste ther-to, an lete it boyle alle to-gederys tyl it be y-now; then take Gyngere, an caste ther-to, an so serue forth; but late it be nowt to thikke ne to thinne, but as potage shulde be.
xxxij - Auter brawn en peuerade. Take myghty brothe of Beef or of Capoun, an thenne take clene Freysshe Brawn, an sethe it, but not y-now; An 3if it be Freysshe Brawn, roste it, but not I-now, an than leche it in pecys, an caste it to the brothe. An thanne take hoole Oynonys, and pylle hem, an thanne take Vynegre ther-to, and Canelle, and sette it on the fyre, an draw yt thorw a straynoure, and caste ther-to; then take Clowys, Maces, an powder Pepyr, an caste ther-to, and a lytil Saunderys, an sette it on the fyre, an let boyle tylle the Oynonys an the Brawn ben euyne sothyn, an nowt to moche; than take lykoure y-mad of Bred an Vinegre an Wyne, an sesyn it vp, an caste ther-to Saffroun to make the coloure bryth, an Salt, an serue it forth.
Brawne in peuard. Take wyn, pouder of Canell, drawe hit thorgh a Streynour, set hit ouer the fire, lete hit boile, caste there-to Maces, cloues, powder of Peper; take smale onyons hole, parboyle hem, caste there-to; lete hem boile togider; then take Brawne, leche hit, but not to thin; And if hit be saused, let stepe hit in Hote water til hit be tender, then cast hit into the siripe; take Saundres, Vynegre, and caste there-to, And lete boile al togidre til hit be ynowe; then take powder of ginger, caste thereto; lete hit not be thik ne to thyn, butte as potage shulde be; And serve hit forthe.
Published: 2008-08-27