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Recipes from England

Recipes marked G are the work of Kristen Sullivan and are hosted on her website, GreneBoke.com.

Recipes marked V are Vegan recipes by Felice Debbage and are hosted here by permission.

14th Century

Tartys In Applis
Drawen Benes V
Blancmanger (chicken & rice casserole)
Black Sauce for Capon
Cormarye (roast pork)
Crusterolles (fried crackers)
Eeles in Bruet G
Ember Day Tart
Funges (mushrooms) V
Gyngerbrede G
Lumbard Mustard
Mawmeny (chicken stew)
Mawmenee (vegan version)
Mylates of Pork (pork pie)
Peeres in Confyt
Pegions Stewed
Pety Pernauntes
Pochee (poached eggs with custard sauce)
Pottage of rys
Stuffed Piglet
Turnip Pottage
Verte Sauce
Wastels yfarced

15th Century

Alepevere Sauce
Apple Muse
Bake Mete Ryalle
Blancmanger (chicken & rice casserole)
Beef y-Stywyd
Bukkenade (beef stew)
Capon Roste
Cameline Sauce
Chardewardon (pear custard)
Chardquynce (quince custard)
Chike endored
Cold Sage Sauce
Coney in Civey
Crusterolles (fried crackers)
Eeles in Bruet G
Sauce gauncile
Grete Pyes
Gyngerbrede G
Leche Lumbarde - date bars
Lenten Slices
Lumbard Mustard
Mawmeny (chicken stew)
Onion and Parsley Salad
Pegions Stewed
Perys en Composte
Pety Pernauntes
Pevorade - a sauce for beef
Pigge or Chiken in Sauge
Stuffed Piglet
Pyes of Paris (meat pie)
Pikkyll pour le Mallard
Pochee (poached eggs with custard sauce)
Pumpes (meatballs)
Pynade (candy)
Pottage of rys
Quynces or Wardones in paast
Rice in Almond Milk
Rice Lombard
Rysschews of Fruit
Salomene (twice cooked fish with sauce)
Sauce for Stekys
Sauce Madame (chicken with fruit stuffing)
Tostee (toast w/syrup)
Venison Custarde
Verte Sauce
White Leek Sauce
Wortes (cabbage) G

16th Century

A Dishe of Artechokes
Stewed Capon (chicken)
Humbles of a Deere
Meat Pyes
Conserve of Orenges
Peach Tart
A Tart of Ryce
Short Paest (pie crust)

17th Century

Boiled Asparagus
Blancmanger (chicken & rice casserole)
Boiled Sallet
Buttered Beere
Diuers Sallets
To Bake Eeles G
Gyngerbrede G
Italian Pudding (bread pudding)
Marmelade of Quinces

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